Nepal Vocational Academy, Panauti

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Nepal Vocational Academy, Panauti

Nepal Vocational Academy is running short term courses of Wooden Handicraft Maker/ Carpenter, Mason, Stone Layer Mason affiliated to CTEVT for more than 4 years. Once the trainees have completed the course from the Academy they had improved their employability in the labor market, as well as allow them the opportunity for self–employment if they desire, which in the long term could help reduce poverty in the country even. That is the reason why all courses running in this academy helps to produce technical workforce who will be able to provide service through the application of skills and knowledge of modern as well as traditional technology, as well as enhance their entrepreneurial skills through wooden handicraft, mason and stone layer mason.

The need of such workforce is very much high for the earthquake affected areas as more than six lakhs households has been totally destroyed by the earthquake. Even more and more such skilled work force is demanded for the reconstruction as government is totally targeting for the reconstruction of affected areas. So Nepal Vocational Academy is providing the training for such courses which fulfill the demand for such training can even contribute for reconstruction. Similarly according to the demand of public beautician, tailoring as well as metal casting courses are also running. The German Organisation Schulen fuer Nepal is supporting to run Nepal Vocational Academy. Similarly German organization Nepal and Wir is also a supporter.