Mission Panauti

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Mission Panauti

Panauti is an antique city space opulent with rich Newari cultural heritage. This is the most beautiful and unique Newar city outside of Kathmandu valley. Regarding its preservation and promotion, RP Foundation has developed a mission to renovate all the heritage sites in Panauti, either by sole or partial investments of the foundation, and also by inspiring and training the local residents to contribute to their city’s remaining heritage sites with their own traditional restoration techniques. By 2030, the Foundation aims to re-establish Panauti with the same glorious heritage city fame through necessary reconstruction, renovation and transformation works.

With the cordial support of local communities, the Foundation has already restored 7 houses, and with the help from the foundation, more buildings have been restored by the community itself. Traditional houses like Matan chhen, Kun chhen, and Dware ghar, have already been completed. New constructions of traditional houses like the Museum of Stolen Arts are additional centers of attractions in Panauti for tourists.

As for the community, the foundation has already established Rangeen Children’s Home and is planning to extend the home for old-age people, women & differently abled people (read more about Rangeen Homes here). Similarly, Nepal Vocational Academy Panauti is already in operation, and the foundation is working for extended vocational training program through Vocational University in Panauti.

Restoring and preserving a whole town is certainly not an easy task. However, it is not impossible. And once accomplished, it will definitely serve as a model for other numerous historic towns’ restoration in Nepal.